You could shoot wall this house and nothing will go threw or crack titanium and cement. Survived many hurricanes.
Wood and army titanium interior with norwegian 1940s looks. Outside sense moved, has cement walls from 1950s. All american and north german made.
Company was norwegian american 1940 called kroft with "K" in spelling.
Even country side home we live on now in south, cost 60k to buy with well-water-well 100ft deep. (Grandparents) they brought this mobile home down in 1940s. Twin axel semi truck to haul it from northern region of usa.
it 50k to 80k for one darn house. Ridiculous more that 80 airplane tickets and two Ferrari cars with inflation. Price of house in USA.
Need ($$$$) money working, to move back to cold climate with family. You have to save your butt off, or have mega bucks to move out south gradually.
Too humid for me and family sorry! Wish could change biology in body, technology in west not that good yet.
Makes it hard to talk fast too when lungs can not get air in them fast enough.
Local islanders and country singer locals down HERE tolerate as if it where nothing. Could never do it, same with father and mother.
Extremely dried out skin, body, ear wax, sinus drainage, ear and nose mucus pressure. Itchy scalp, itchiness of eyes, itchiness of neck.
Me and father and mother, all sorts medical problems in reverse climates.
In north it drops down to 40 and below, down here get up to 80, 90, and over 100. Opposite climes regions.
Born up there, you can not make leave your body. Could never adapt to humidity in south down here. More use to cold winter north and snow regions.
Linda Balough, same here my family in usa came over from europe 90 yo ago. Same! New York, Pittsburgh, and great lakes next to Canada we all lived in before moving to south. Drops down to 40 and minus in winter.
Well, Fahid it isn’t easy to make that adjustment. I was born and spent much of my life in the Midwest and upper south of the U.S. so I didn’t know the weather was as diverse as it is in the United States. Spent a few years in Western New York with much cooler summers and a lot of snow in winter (Linda Balough)