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Дистругъторул де чори Lukishanko 📰 🆗

hallo, teile die deutsche Musik, während du österreichische, schweizerische und deutsche Sprachen lernst. ❤️ 😁 👍

*Excuse* me for minute, goes to freezer for iced water bottle.

Would have learned austrian or swiss before german, never had ebook or physical copies *Cough* *Cough* ugggggghhhhhhhhhh gawd damn humidity *Turns* on ware house fan in bed room again *Trying* to stay awake, hydrated, awake.

Usually tech you have to use when countries region lock their ebook.

Know some guud Onion ( 🧅 ) sites might have some. *Check* later.

I'll go on tor-browser later and find ebook, now that they got Austrian english books out.

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