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Trial and error, learning what to install and not to install to brick linux.

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Asking all questions? Why did I get black screen of death? How do i fix it in terminal boot menu?

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What are all desktop environment names? What desktop environment? Why is not just called desktop?

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What dose this do? How dose it work? What drivers? What codecs? What software?

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Did not know jack about linux world twelve years ago. Literally thought desktop environment was the actual os name confused coming from windows world.

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😆 Sam! you'll be as i was in very beginning useful idiot in linux world.

Something moral inside me says: there problem try to figure it out and fix it.

Seem to have; " The knack ' for it, finding and fixing outdated problems in older or discontinued Linux's. Just as Dilbert dose.

Have a git hub and git-lab. maybe I should put my linux tinkering finding on git hub and git lab later. So other can see it, maybe calibrate on it.

OS Type: Linux
Based on: Debian, Ubuntu
Origin: USA
Architecture: i386, x86_64
Desktop: Xfce
Category: Beginners, Desktop, Education, Live Medium
Status: Discontinued (defined)
Popularity: Not ranked

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Such uber student: discontinued because creators son got ill on public web forums.

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