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That what USA was about treating everyone equally! Not killing off races one at time!

Guuud! get rid of cultural marxist CRT trump! Make everyone equal in USA again with equal rights! 🍿

*Gets* drunk more.......................................Pulls on whyte flesh.......................Look i'm whyte, dode that make my skin bad to you.

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(mocking left) such an evil westerner i'm blamed for everything that the government dose. And I have no say only to be told to shut up and be dictated to. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it totally muh fault lefty! Not government in charge pulling the actual stings.

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🍺 Gets into the i do not give rats ass drunk attitude anymore at woke far left.

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Sooooo evil to look at animals and cartoons as westerner you have to become censored for it LMAO!

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Yeahhhhhhhhh we westerners are soooooooooo evil we look at animals and cartoons all day soooooooooooooooooo evil.

Afficher le fil de discussion Mangaka Linux Chu Install and Exploration With Wifi enabled. Austria Europe.

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How Old is too Old to Learn Language? Answer: None, it state of mind ~ Korean Writer Says

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