Apps? You can find them on duck duck go and yandex web search engines ____ .APK's files; FBA4Droid, mame4droid (FBA4droid is final burn alpha for android software from mainland China "

Found out about them down rabbit hole one night online bored stiff searching web found them by rando chances.

You going to have to turn off google play protection on google play app shop to run open-source gaming apps though or F-Droid apps. That about normal on more modernity android devices.


LOL Just as windows 11 android modernity versions thinks older or open sourced software is virus or spyware LOL. very funny too!

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

Why like linux lot now modernity windows and android think everything even if' it now is a virus by default.

🤣 It thinks even windows 98 software is virus too on compatibility mode.

Another reasoning why keep collected and refurbished new bought older tech and computers around with classical windows or linux on-board.

Virus detection is on fritz and acts silly on android and modernity windows.

Trying to control what you are allowed and not allowed to install on modernity machinery. That it is CONTROL anymore.

Guess A lot of us ol' tinkerers and nerds can SEE right threw that.

Just as more modernity VCR's are having Rec (Record) buttons removed. LOL!

Go to wal-mart look at Chinese made VCR's there NO rec (record) buttons on them, forced to go buy ol' skool VCR's on ebay now.

STUPID AS HELL! Don't they know you just go on ebay buy original electronics?

Not much rocket-science to figure out lot of this either off top of head either!

CC: That sad part of it all.

Not much rocket-science to figure out lot of this either off top of head either!

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