Decade ago started studying some german and norsk. Ich bin mein namen ist GoticoDivertimento

My most favorite germanic languages into are austrian-bavarian, swiss-german. Their books and language discs for older windows not easily obtained. Some are region blocked to use online markets it international england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Books called: Österreichisch deutsch, and you have to know some german already to lean Österreichisch bavarian dialect of germanic austrian.

Region locked sold to England and Germany only online European markets of E.U.

Swiss German requires copy of classical windows to run: win 98, windows 2000, windows me, etc.

Many European sales for classical windows online found, for European language learners. (Req. all them to run classical versions of windows.) They do not work on linux wine.

Not entirely sure 100% why E.U. sells their language items region locked, found loop holes online markets to obtain them physically at home.

Must have somthing to do with NEW e.u. laws back at home in ol' world. before family left europe 90 yo ago. E.u. was not alive. Was just countries in control of their own lands by gov.

Italy had their own country gov. Germany had their own gov. etc. rest of European countries century ago.

E.u. is centralized government, it suck in countries then dictates and control them. Sort of what soviet union was.

There even maps online show states blue and new centralized soviet style governments.


Progressive and left leaning blue politics.

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Happy over in USA for now, don't have to be dictated to by E.u. soviet style governments.

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